Become a Listener, tell your friends, we are 24/7!

Now over 3 years (since 2019!) we have been streaming 24/7.

Sure, we are a little tired sometimes, and we have some weird dreams for the lack of sleep (just kidding!) but for all you young whipper-snappers out there, I am over 50 and doing it!

Go into your car, Pair your Phone, then browse: and Listen!

You might have to turn up your bluetooth volume, do not forget to turn it down before you switch to AM/FM. There are soom cool BT Boosters out there for volume on your Android.

You can take us with you, on the go- and we feature content from platforms like, Rumble and Odysee. We are growing.

Have a suggestions for us, guess what? I am

Mark Watson, Program Director, @Radio8424

Subscribe to The Mind of Mark R Watson

Damn Near Anything I'm Thinking About


24/7 Internet Broadcaster Radio: [ ] LIVE NOW BUSINESS CARD: [ ] BIO: Last Updated 20230505 by Mark Watson